Hi there :)
I hope we're all staying focused with our skincare routines! Today I wanted to broach a very specific topic. We've previously addressed the importance of diet and how it is strongly connected to the appearance and health of the skin. Well, let's dig a little deeper. Perhaps you have heard about gut health and the gut's microbiome. A microbiome is an environment in which normal 'flora and fauna' or bacteria exist. All types of microscopic entities live in and on the skin and they are not dangerous. They are necessary for the organism's survival. However, the microscopic gut environment can be disturbed by a number of different factors. The number one stressors, specifically speaking are: refined and processed foods, white sugar, trans fat, saturated fat. I have personally witnessed the havoc that sugars and low-quality fats have on gut health and skin; it is disastrous. We want to solve these problems internally, to the best of our ability. The question becomes: how can we make the gut happy again? PROBIOTICS. Probiotics are foods that have beneficial microorganisms in them that can re-balance the gut's microbiome. Lactobacilli, Acidophilus are examples of these bacteria and they are great at clearing skin and making the gut healthy again. Where can you find probiotics? In food, of course. Always remember: Blemfree for the topical, whole food for the internal! My favorites are kimchi, sauerkraut and miso soup. A lot of scientific literature suggest Greek yogurt is your best bet for probiotics but I don't always like them for myself because the dairy can cause inflammation. Everyone is different! But I have seen improvement in my complexion with the ingestion of these foods and I hope to keep seeing progress. I encourage you to try out these foods and observe the changes in your skin.
A Blemfree Enthusiast,